Treatment of heart failure depends on its specific causeSioux City JournalHeart failure often is the end stage of another form of heart disease. For example, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and heart valve disorders often lead to heart fai…
Death Row Organ Harvesting: China to Implement New Donation Programme – Row Organ Harvesting: China to Implement New Donation said there are a number of problems that will need to be addressed before the programme is in place, including new legislation that determines 'brai…
Six Late-breaking Abstracts Selected for Oral Presentation at The Liver Meeting®
BOSTON, Nov. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Late-breaking Oral SessionMonday, November 12, 2012 – 3:00-4:30 pmAuditorium, Hynes Convention CenterThe six abstracts that will be presented at our late-breaking oral …
At the Heart of a Political Brawl in India, Two Historic Newspapers – New York Times (blog)
New York Times (blog)At the Heart of a Political Brawl in India, Two Historic NewspapersNew York Times (blog)Subramanian Swamy, chief of the Janata Party, on Thursday accused Sonia Gandhi, the Congress Party president, and Rahul Gandhi, the Congress ge…
Boston Scientific receives CE mark for everolimus-eluting coronary stent –
TCTMDBoston Scientific receives CE mark for everolimus-eluting coronary stentEquities.comNov 02, 2012 (Datamonitor via COMTEX) — Boston Scientific Corporation, a medical device company, has received CE mark approval for the SYNERGY everolimus-eluting …
Media Advisory – Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month – 6-minute Walk for Breath – Vancouver, British Columbia
VANCOUVER, Nov. 2, 2012 /CNW/ -PULMONARY HYPERTENSION AWARENESS MONTH – 6-minute Walk for BreathNovember is Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month in North America. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an incurable …
Organ Donation In China: Time To Look Beyond Executed Prisoners – Worldcrunch
Irish IndependentOrgan Donation In China: Time To Look Beyond Executed PrisonersWorldcrunchHuang Jiefu, the Vice Minister for Health, told Caixin that the creation of a sustainable organ donation system that conforms with social ethics is imminent. He …
Saturday garage sale in Sparks to help heart transplant patient
A garage sale from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at 1406 Conductor Court in Sparks will raise funds for Kim Barstow of Sparks, who will get a heart transplant at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif.
Coronary artery disease increases mortality, cardiovascular event risk in … – Healio
HealioCoronary artery disease increases mortality, cardiovascular event risk in …HealioLAS VEGAS — Patients with coronary artery disease who undergo liver transplantation are at increased risk for cardiovascular events and death following the proce…
SEP : l'alemtuzumab pourrait bientôt jouer dans la même cour que le Tysabri – Medscape France
SEP : l'alemtuzumab pourrait bientôt jouer dans la même cour que le TysabriMedscape FranceD'autres anticorps monoclonaux sont actuellement en développement à un stade moins avancé, au rang desquels l'ocrelizumab, et le daclizumab. Mais…