Black cohosh pills leave woman suffering from liver failureThe New Age OnlineAccording to the anonymous woman developed a liver failure just after starting to use black cohosh and the doctors could not confirm how much se consumed. “I…
Recipient backs new donor campaign
A young woman who underwent a life-saving heart transplant has called on more Scots to join the organ donor register.
Survey: Many docs will be slow to switch to biosimilar mAbs – FierceBiotech
Survey: Many docs will be slow to switch to biosimilar mAbsFierceBiotechBut there was a distinct hesitancy noted in the U.S. when the conversation turned to the first generation of biosimilars for the monoclonal antibodies like rituximab (Roche's (…
How chemotherapy drug causes heart failure – Times of India
How chemotherapy drug causes heart failureTimes of IndiaA team led by scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has identified an unexpected mechanism that drives the drug's attack on heart muscle, providing a new approach for…
Peer mentoring boosts physical activity in kids – Times of India
Peer mentoring boosts physical activity in kidsTimes of IndiaFunded principally by the Nova Scotia Research Foundation and supported by community partners including the Heart and Stroke Foundation, a research by Dr. Camille Hancock Friesen and her team…
Mums should lose weight before giving birth – Times of India
Mums should lose weight before giving birthTimes of India"Our research found that maternal obesity affects the genes of the offspring," said Dr. Frederic Guenard, a post-doctoral fellow under the supervision of Dr. Marie-Claude Vohl of the Fu…
Sports make middle-aged people smarter – Times of India
Sports make middle-aged people smarterTimes of IndiaHigh-intensity interval training not only makes middle-aged people healthier, it can also boost their mental ability, according to a Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) study. Dr. Anil Nigam of the MHI and…
Diabetes, insulin treatments boost lung cancer risk – Food Consumer
Diabetes, insulin treatments boost lung cancer riskFood ConsumerOne study led by J. Luo of Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV showed women with self-reported treated diabetes mellitu stype 2 were 27 percent mor…
Orgenesis Presents Technology Update To FDA/CBER Experts – DailyFinance
Orgenesis Presents Technology Update To FDA/CBER ExpertsDailyFinanceThe Company believes that converting the diabetic patient's own tissue into insulin-producing cells overcomes the problem of donor shortage and removes the risk of transplant rejec…
Scientists discover how chemotherapy drug causes heart failure – Hindu Business Line
Scientists discover how chemotherapy drug causes heart failureHindu Business Line“However, its use is limited by its cardiotoxicity, which can lead to heart failure. We're excited because we've identified the molecular basis for doxorubicin&#…