Family donates organs of brain dead teacherTimes of IndiaWe decided to donate his organs so that they may save others," said Dinesh's wife Babita. While his kidneys was donated to a cloth merchant in Rajasthan and a deputy mamlatdar in Gandhin…
Novartis, NKTI to improve care for kidney patients
Novartis Healthcare Philippines has entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) and National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) to raise the standard of care of kidney transplant patients.
Doctor won Nobel prize for finding means to save leukaemia sufferers
Dr Donnall Thomas showed it was possible to transplant bone marrow to save the lives of patients dying from leukaemia and other blood disorders.
Organs of young skateboard accident victim save five people – Jerusalem Post
Organs of young skateboard accident victim save five peopleJerusalem PostAfter it became certain that he had suffered from lower-brain death, the family agreed to give his organs at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. All were performed at the Rabin Medi…
Scientists discover protein that causes high cholesterol – Business Standard
Scientists discover protein that causes high cholesterolBusiness Standard… cholesterol. Press Trust of India / Toronto October 28, 2012, 17:55 … Researchers found that the protein called resistin secreted by fat tissue increases levels of low-densi…
Gathering strength in UAE for first blood donation –
gulfnews.comGathering strength in UAE for first blood donationgulfnews.comSpeaking to Gulf News, Dr Ameen Hussain Al Amiri, assistant undersecretary for medical practices and licensing at the ministry, and chairman of the National Blood Transfusion Com…
Scientists nail protein behind bad cholesterol – Times of India
Scientists nail protein behind bad cholesterolTimes of IndiaThe research proves that the protein in question, resistin, secreted by fat tissue, increases the production of LDL in human liver cells and also degrades LDL receptors in the liver, hampering…
Competition to spur blood donation – The Southern
Competition to spur blood donationThe SouthernCompetition to spur blood donation. Print Email. 2012-10-28T05:30:00Z Competition to spur blood donationThe Southern 1 hour ago • The Southern · (0) Comments. The Carbondale branch…
All about Rheumatic Heart Disease – Times of India
All about Rheumatic Heart DiseaseTimes of IndiaIn India, 47 – 59% of all cardiac admission to hospitals in major urban centres are said to be attributed to Rheumatic Heart Disease. Doctors believe that across Africa and India, it is widely known by car…
Euan Craig saved five lives by the donation of his organs
PARENTS Richard and and Ann said the help his organs gave to desperate transplant patients gave them a little comfort following his death.