Richard Norris, 37, spent 15 years hiding from society. An accidental gunshot wound in 1997 had ripped away much of his face in an instant. Doctors tried to repair the damage, but their reconstruction efforts, time and again, failed.
Cancer therapy saved my life but left me with heart failure – Daily Mail
Daily MailCancer therapy saved my life but left me with heart failureDaily MailBut evidence is emerging that surviving cancer puts people at higher risk of diseases, including heart disease, heart failure, diabetes and osteoporosis due to treatment sid…
MOD Squad will bust the myths about organ donation – StandardNet
Science CodexMOD Squad will bust the myths about organ donationStandardNetIf you think you can't be a donor because you have diabetes, they will set you straight, because, yes, you can still be an organ donor. Don't exclude yourself from organ …
Country needs 50000 liver transplants: Retd (Col) Seth – Indian Express
Science CodexCountry needs 50000 liver transplants: Retd (Col) SethIndian ExpressWith less than 1,000 liver transplants and barely 10 per cent from brain dead patients, Col (retd) A K Seth, member of the Government of India committee on formulating gui…
My mam explained the gift of life – Irish Times
Irish TimesMy mam explained the gift of lifeIrish TimesThere has been debate on whether Ireland should replace the current opt-in organ donor system with an opt-out system whereby people are assumed to be donors. Whether or not this happens, anything t…
Transplant trees and shrubs in cool fall weather
The Gardener Within: Tips on digging up and relocating trees and bushes from Master Gardener Joe Lamp'l.
Parents Claim Energy Drink Caused Daughter's Heart Failure – 93.1 WIBC Indianapolis
93.1 WIBC IndianapolisParents Claim Energy Drink Caused Daughter's Heart Failure93.1 WIBC IndianapolisParents Claim Energy Drink Caused Daughter's Heart Failure. By Mike Wilson – | @WIBC_MikeWilson. 10/22/2012. A girl with an u…
22.10.2012 – Warum Frauen besser auf die Therapie ansprechen – DKG Krebsgesellschaft
22.10.2012 – Warum Frauen besser auf die Therapie ansprechenDKG KrebsgesellschaftNoch besser sind ihre Überlebenschancen offenbar jedoch, wenn sie mit Rituximab behandelt werden. In der aktuellen Studie hatten Patienten mit zuvor unbehandeltem folliku…
Screening exposes attempted kidney sale in Madurai – Times of India
Screening exposes attempted kidney sale in MaduraiTimes of IndiaFor the first time, the state authorization committee in-charge of approving organ transplants has published the names and mobile phone numbers of mediators involved in kidney trade. On an…
Hormone therapy not recommended for disease prevention: U.S. panel
CHICAGO (Reuters) – The risks of taking hormone therapy to prevent heart disease and osteoporosis in post menopausal women far outweigh the benefits and such treatment is not recommended, according to new guidelines from an influential panel of U.S. he…