In India, more women have cancer than menIndia.Com HealthEmphasizing the government policies in place, Dr Rakshak at Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi said, 'The government of India's 'National Tobacco Control Programme' has helped in contro…
Statins can help cut cancer risk – Times of India
Statins can help cut cancer riskTimes of IndiaCholesterol-lowering statins, which are taken every day by millions of people to reduce risk of heart disease and stroke, has now been shown to dramatically cut the chance of developing deadly liver cancer,…
Brockham grandfather dies from heart failure while in Barbados with wife – This is Surreytoday
This is SurreytodayBrockham grandfather dies from heart failure while in Barbados with wifeThis is SurreytodayA GRANDFATHER who died from heart failure while on holiday in Barbados has been described as "a gentleman". Brian Popple, of Hillsid…
Surgeons perform Singapore's first pancreas , kidney transplant
SINGAPORE: Singapore surgeons have successfully performed the country’s first simultaneous pancreas and kidney (SPK) transplant.
Surgeons perform Singapore's first pancreas, kidney transplant
SINGAPORE: Singapore surgeons have successfully performed the country's first simultaneous pancreas and kidney (SPK) transplant.
City rallies around Cat Davis – Thu, 18 Oct 2012 PST
On Monday, Cat Davis got a fabulous early birthday present: An independent medical review board overturned her insurance company’s decision to deny her a potentially life-saving stem cell transplant. Davis, who turned 25 on Tuesday, was ecstatic. “…
First simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant in S'pore
The first simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant in Singapore was successfully carried out last month by a team of surgeons from the National University Hospital (NUH) and Singapore General Hospital (SGH).
`Heart disease set to spike in India` – Zee News
Zee News`Heart disease set to spike in India`Zee NewsNew Delhi: India is set to witness a spike in deaths due to heart diseases, far exceeding that of China, with more and more younger people falling victim and a large percentage of patients coming fro…
Organ donation non-profit helps turn one family's loss into another's hope
Bill Reitsma of the New Jersey Sharing Network had come to the ICU with an important question: Would the boy’s mother consent to donating his organs to help others live?
Organ donation non-profit helps turn one family's loss into another's hope –
Organ donation non-profit helps turn one family's loss into another's hopeNorthJersey.comCARMINE GALASSO/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER. Buy this photo. Bill Reitsma of the New Jersey Sharing Network, which helps arrange organ transplants, next to a quilt …