Richard Lee Norris, 37, who lost most of his face in a gun accident in 1997, and underwent the most extensive full face transplant ever seven months ago, is "exceeding all expectations", his doctors announced this week. Richard Lee Norris had…
Taylor's Gift Foundation to Ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell – NASDAQ
Taylor's Gift Foundation to Ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Closing BellNASDAQTaylor's Gift Foundation is a resource dedicated to assisting families touched by organ donation. The foundation is changing the conversation surrounding the gift each o…
Heart Failure Patients Can Ward Off Depression With Exercise – Sunrise Senior Living Blog (blog)
Heart Failure Patients Can Ward Off Depression With ExerciseSunrise Senior Living Blog (blog)Exercising improves physical health and can reduce the risk of health problems like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Studies have also…
UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA -Novelties in the cell therapy applied to organ … –
UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA -Novelties in the cell therapy applied to organ …Equities.comThe conference, in the Aula Magna of the Historic Building, will be opened by the researcher Josep M. Grinyo, professor of Medicine at the UB, head of the Nephrology…
Donor Stem Cell Transplants In Multiple Myeloma May Be More Beneficial … – The Myeloma Beacon
Donor Stem Cell Transplants In Multiple Myeloma May Be More Beneficial …The Myeloma BeaconThe results of a recent retrospective study show that multiple myeloma patients who receive a donor stem cell transplant upfront experience better progression-f…
Vaughan gala in support of kidney disease, organ donation –
Vaughan gala in support of kidney disease, organ donationYorkRegion.comYou can help raise awareness for kidney disease and kidney/organ donation at the Fall Fundraiser of Hope 2012 on Friday, Oct. 19 at La Primavera Banquet Hall & Convention Center…
Only half of our GPs have organ donor card –
Only half of our GPs have organ donor cardHerald.ieAround 88pc of GPs could not remember any instance of a patient asking for counselling regarding organ donation in the past three months, according to the survey published in the latest edition of the …
Lung transplant mother-of-two calls for more donors
THREE years ago Bernice Wilson was so weak she could not even talk, but the mother-of-two fought back after a lung transplant and is calling for more people to sign the donor list.
Meningitis outbreak: Should anti-fungal medications be given to those at risk?
An outbreak of deadly fungal meningitis linked to steroid injections has raised the question of whether people who received the shots, but don't have meningitis symptoms, should take anti-fungal drugs to prevent disease
Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplants from Unrelated Donors Associated with Higher Rates of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host …
Claudio Anasetti, M.D., chair of the Department of Blood & Marrow Transplant at Moffitt Cancer Center, and colleagues from 47 research sites in the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network conducted a two-year clinical trial comparing two-ye…