Youth hold blood donation festivalViet Nam NewsHA NOI (VNS)— The Ha Noi Youth Blood Donation Mobilisation Association held the Youth Blood Donation Festival 2012 at Viet Nam National University Ha Noi yesterday in co-ordination with the National Inst…
Transplantation regularity authority: Govt issues ordinance to curb illegal … – The Express Tribune
The Express TribuneTransplantation regularity authority: Govt issues ordinance to curb illegal …The Express TribuneIn an effort to curb illegal organ donation, the provincial government has approved the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Medical Transplantation Regu…
Primary care should cover the growing tribe of non-communicable diseases … – Economic Times
Primary care should cover the growing tribe of non-communicable diseases …Economic TimesWithin CVD, high blood pressure is directly responsible for 57% of all stroke deaths and 24% of all coronary heart disease deaths in India. The WHO estimates that…
2012 Lasker awards honour innovative research – Varsity
2012 Lasker awards honour innovative researchVarsityThe winners of this year's Lasker Awards for biomedical research include groundbreaking insights into liver transplantation and also cellular motor […] By Sherine Ensan Published: 8:01 pm, 23 Se…
Duke led study: Depression may put heart at risk – News & Observer
News & ObserverDuke led study: Depression may put heart at riskNews & Observer“In our study (it was found that) patients with heart failure – and with elevated depressive symptoms – were more likely to die or to be hospitalized, compared to those…
Severe heart failure can feel 'like drowning' – BBC News
BBC NewsSevere heart failure can feel 'like drowning'BBC NewsSevere heart failure can cause the lungs to fill with fluid, leaving people feeling like they are drowning, says a new campaign by the British Heart Foundation. But a BHF survey sugge…
Funds for heart failure study urged – The Press Association
Funds for heart failure study urgedThe Press AssociationA charity is appealing for funds to pay for cutting-edge research examining severe heart failure. The British Heart Foundation (BHF) said regenerative medicine research could cure heart failure – …
Livonia councilman awaits kidney for needed transplant
City Councilman Tom Robinson needs a kidney transplant soon.
Now, brain death certification a must – Times of India
Now, brain death certification a mustTimes of IndiaPUNE: In an attempt to boost the number of potential donors and increase cadaver (post-death) organ donations, the state government has made it mandatory for authorized medical practitioners to certify…
Delhi – [ Min 23.4 °C
In a significant move aimed at overcoming the problem of acute shortage of cadaver organ donors, the Delhi government will be launching a course to produce specialised transplant coordinators.