Thermo Fisher Scientific completes One Lambda takeoverZenopaOne Lambda's portfolio includes a range of diagnostic tests for use in determining the compatibility of donors and recipients pre-transplant, as well as for the detection of antibodies tha…
Swedish Doctors Claim Pioneering Uterus Transplant – NPR
Daily MailSwedish Doctors Claim Pioneering Uterus TransplantNPRTurkish doctors last year said they performed the first successful uterus transplant, giving a womb from a deceased donor to a young woman. Olausson said that woman is doing fine, but he wa…
Swedish doctors claim pioneering uterus transplant
A coroner says a pregnant woman found dead in her car in central Ohio apparently died of acute heroin intoxication. More >>
Acadiana's Multi-Media StationSwedish doctors claim pioneering uterus transplant – KLFY
Acadiana's Multi-Media StationSwedish doctors claim pioneering uterus transplantKLFYAcadiana's Multi-Media StationSwedish doctors claim pioneering uterus transplant. Member Center: Create Account|; Log In; Manage Account|; Log Out. SITE SEARCH …
Swedish doctors claim pioneering uterus transplant – San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco ChronicleSwedish doctors claim pioneering uterus transplantSan Francisco ChronicleTurkish doctors last year said they performed the first successful uterus transplant, giving a womb from a deceased donor to a young woman. Olausson said th…
India: Balancing Public And Private Interests In The Intellectual Property Regime – Intellectual Property Watch
India: Balancing Public And Private Interests In The Intellectual Property RegimeIntellectual Property Watch… rejected a petition by German pharma major Bayer AG, seeking a stay on an order of India's Controller of Patents granting a compulsory l…
Swedish doctors perform first mother-to-daughter uterus transplant
Two Swedish women are hoping to get pregnant after undergoing what doctors are calling the world’s first mother-to-daughter uterus transplants.
Organ donation live web chat – WalesOnline
Organ donation live web chatWalesOnlineTHREE people die every day in the UK awaiting an organ transplant and to tackle the problem the government is reviewing how donation works. A donor currently has to make it known that they want their organs to be …
14. Miracle heart transplant girl Hui Yi dies at 19
PETALING JAYA: Miracle heart transplant girl Tee Hui Yi, who survived two transplant surgeries, passed away Tuesday at the Batu Pahat hospital. She was 19.
Diabetes donor case study: ‘I now have control’
A MOTHER today told how her life had been transformed by the innovative transplant programme.