Adult cystic fibrosis (CF) patients of low socioeconomic status (SES) have a greater chance of not being accepted for lung transplant after undergoing initial evaluation, according to a new study.
Now, minimal access heart surgery, too
A 75-year-old frail man who underwent liver transplant surgery two months ago, returned to hospital for treatment of heart attack. Subramaniam Raju had been operated on during the transplant surge…
Victim of flesh-eating bacteria to get first US double arm transplant
BOSTON – Katy Hayes, 44, of Kingwood, Texas, will receive two new arms above the elbow. The hospital is working with a regional organ donor bank to find a donor. The surgery has not yet been scheduled.
Now, minimal access heart surgery, too – The Hindu
Now, minimal access heart surgery, tooThe HinduA 75-year-old frail man who underwent liver transplant surgery two months ago, returned to hospital for treatment of heart attack. Subramaniam Raju had been operated on during the transplant surgery for a …
Temporary blood donation centre opens at the Healthcare Ministry and the … – Focus News
Overseas Property and Investment NewsTemporary blood donation centre opens at the Healthcare Ministry and the …Focus NewsThe Ministry of Healthcare (5 Holy Sunday square) will open a blood donation centre from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. today, press off…
Cystic fibrosis patients of low SES are less likely to be accepted for lung transplant
( American Thoracic Society ) Adult cystic fibrosis patients of low socioeconomic status have a greater chance of not being accepted for lung transplant after undergoing initial evaluation, according to a new study.
Abbott-Astellas Collaborate – Analyst Blog
Abbott Laboratories ( ABT ) recently announced that it is collaborating with Astellas Pharma Global Development for a phase III study being conducted with ASP0113 (TransVax). TransVax, a
Human Rights Commission directs fresh probe into infant kidney theft – Times of India
Human Rights Commission directs fresh probe into infant kidney theftTimes of IndiaCUTTACK: The Odisha Human Rights Commission on Thursday directed Crime Branch to probe the alleged theft of kidneys of an infant during an operation at a private clinic i…
Lesser evil: Wine is better for heart – Times of India
Lesser evil: Wine is better for heartTimes of IndiaHDL (good) cholesterol transports LDL (bad) to the liver where it is metabolized, which may assist in preventing hardening of the arteries, and other cardiac issues. Researchers determined that while b…
Triplet's medical woes a body blow for family
Eight-year-old Loralee Dummer was so excited about the new triplets her mother was carrying, she took an ultrasound picture to show her classmates, according to her mother Karla Dummer. Franci…