Air India takes delivery of its first Boeing 787 DreamlinerReuters IndiaDelivery was held up for months while Air India and Boeing worked out a compensation settlement and waited for Indian government officials to approve it. Terms were not disclosed. …
Air India takes delivery of its first Boeing 787 Dreamliner – Times of India
Air India takes delivery of its first Boeing 787 DreamlinerTimes of IndiaDelivery was held up for months while Air India and Boeing worked out a compensation settlement and waited for Indian government officials to approve it. Terms were not disclosed….
Pharmacyclics Management Discusses Q4 2012 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha
Pharmacyclics Management Discusses Q4 2012 Results – Earnings Call TranscriptSeeking AlphaThis is Phase III study of ibrutinib in combination with bendamustine/rituximab in patients with relapsed or refractory CLL or SLL. This is a randomized, multicen…
Cross-Canada trip to raise awareness about organ donation – NG News
NG NewsCross-Canada trip to raise awareness about organ donationNG NewsPICTOU – Starting in Tofino, B.C., on June 25, Laval University med student Quinn Thomas began to cycle across Canada to raise awareness about organ donation. Yesterday, just over…
Vision 2020 doable with youth power: APJ Abdul Kalam – Times of India
Vision 2020 doable with youth power: APJ Abdul KalamTimes of IndiaThe award instituted by the Chavara Cultural Centre was presented to him by Cardinal George Alencherry at a function at the Sacred Heart College. The missile man of India said when Visio…
New Facebook status allows Japan users to declare organ donor intent – The Japan Times
University of Rochester NewsroomNew Facebook status allows Japan users to declare organ donor intentThe Japan TimesThe organ donor status option was added to the Life Events section of the website's Timeline screen view in Japan. The option started…
Kidney transplant recipient designs software that saves lives
A kidney transplant that saved him from the disease that killed his father and brother inspired David S. Jacobs to use his technology skills to save the lives of other people awaiting transplants.
Fallen CHP officer's family releases statement on his organ donation – San Jose Mercury News
San Francisco ChronicleFallen CHP officer's family releases statement on his organ donationSan Jose Mercury NewsSep 6: How to become a California organ donor like CHP officer killed in shooting · CHP officer pronounced dead following shootin…
How brain-death guidelines protect patients – National Post
National PostHow brain-death guidelines protect patientsNational PostThe issue of determining when an individual is legally dead was recently brought into the spotlight by a news story in the National Post (“ 'Legally dead' may still be alive…
Dying woman wants to be cryogenically frozen, seeks funds on Reddit – Mother Nature Network
Mother Nature NetworkDying woman wants to be cryogenically frozen, seeks funds on RedditMother Nature Network… they still seem out of reach for Suozzi), Suspended Animation Inc., a subcontractor of CI, will try to have technicians waiting by his or h…