CBC.caWest Nile cases showing up at blood banksKENS 5 TVBeddard said they are cautious with every blood donation. Lab technicians test donations nightly before giving them the all clear. Any blood testing positive is destroyed. “So the recipients don…
Absurd organ donation rule on kitchen-sharing dropped – Times of India
Absurd organ donation rule on kitchen-sharing droppedTimes of IndiaDELHI/CHENNAI: The Union health ministry has decided to drop the clause from the draft 'Transplantation of Human Organ Rules 2012' that required an unrelated organ donor to prov…
Postmortem can be done after organ retrieval, suggests DGHS – Times of India
Postmortem can be done after organ retrieval, suggests DGHSTimes of IndiaNEW DELHI: In what could be a landmark move to improve India's abysmally low organ donation rate, the director general of health services ( DGHS) has proposed that post-mortem…
More focus required on hospice care for heart failure patients – News-Medical.net
More focus required on hospice care for heart failure patientsNews-Medical.netBy Sarah Guy, medwireNews Reporter. End-stage heart failure patients enter hospice care closer to the time of their death, are more often referred from acute care facilities,…
Corticosteroids needed after DALK to avert stromal rejection – News-Medical.net
Corticosteroids needed after DALK to avert stromal rejectionNews-Medical.netLike those undergoing penetrating keratoplasty, patients treated with deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) may benefit from taking postoperative corticosteroids to preven…
Ky. man who had artificial heart gets transplant
A 21-year-old northern Kentucky man who had an artificial heart implanted earlier this year in Lexington has undergone a transplant to receive a human donor heart, and his doctors say he's doing fine.
Haunted blood donation station – Manisteenews
Haunted blood donation stationManisteenewsHaunted blood donation station. MANISTEE — Michigan Blood and the 2-1-1 Action Team will be hosting a Halloween themed blood drive in collaboration with Kmart and Macabre Manistee County, Friday, Oct. 26, 12 …
Drugstore cowboy: Will India keep Novartis at bay? – Business Standard
Drugstore cowboy: Will India keep Novartis at bay?Business StandardAt the heart of the dispute is the Indian government's contention that Glivec, which treats myeloid leukaemia and some gastrointestinal cancers, is simply a retooled avatar of a pre…
Perpetual Help offers new lease on life – Philippine Star
Perpetual Help offers new lease on lifePhilippine StarKidney transplantation is the best treatment option for ESRD, where a patient (recipient) receives a new kidney to take over the work of cleaning his/her blood to extend the quality of life of ESRD …
Anthracycline, Trastuzumab for Breast CA Up Heart Failure Risk – Doctors Lounge
Anthracycline, Trastuzumab for Breast CA Up Heart Failure RiskDoctors LoungeFor women with incident, invasive breast cancer, treatment with anthracycline and trastuzumab is associated with an increased risk of heart failure and/or cardiomyopathy, compa…