A team of scientists led by a bone marrow transplant researcher at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has shed new light on why most bone marrow transplant patients who receive tissue-matched cells from unrelated donors still suffer acute graft-ver…
Krishna Bahadur Bajagai, 60, who sold his kidney due to poverty, prepares to … – Reuters AlertNet
Krishna Bahadur Bajagai, 60, who sold his kidney due to poverty, prepares to …Reuters AlertNetAccording to the Kavre District Health Officer Dr Arjun Prasad Sapkota, about 150 villagers from two to three villages in Kavre district have gone to neighb…
Research and Markets: Animal Biotechnology – Technologies, Markets and Companies – Updated 2012 Report
Research and Markets has announced the addition of Jain PharmaBiotech's new report "Animal Biotechnology – Te
Rigel Pharma: Key RA Drug Data Expected Late 2012 Through H1 2013 – Seeking Alpha
Rigel Pharma: Key RA Drug Data Expected Late 2012 Through H1 2013Seeking AlphaR548 (oral JAK3 inhibitor) is currently in Phase 1 clinical development to treat organ transplant rejection. RIGL enjoys a strong balance sheet with $202.6M in cash and equiv…
Woman has an eyebrow transplant
Too much plucking destroyed Claire's facial hair follicles
Tackling the 'brain dead' marriages! – Oman Daily Observer
Oman Daily ObserverTackling the 'brain dead' marriages!Oman Daily ObserverBrain death, either of the whole brain or the brain stem (the posterior part of the brain) — is used as a legal indicator of death in many jurisdictions. A long time ag…
New genetic clues to why most bone marrow transplant patients develop graft-versus-host disease
( Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ) A team of scientists led by a bone marrow transplant researcher at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has shed new light on why most bone marrow transplant patients who receive tissue-matched cells from un…
AFCell Medical Reports Results from the Retrospective Study of a Novel Allograft Membrane to Prevent Post-Operative …
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — AFCell Medical announced today the results of a retrospective study of the use of an amnion based allograft membrane to prevent post-operative adhesions between …
Watch: Comparing Drug Store Eye Creams
Elisabeth Leamy talks to dermatologists about which products work best.
Asthma therapy: back to the future – Irish Medical Times
Irish Medical TimesAsthma therapy: back to the futureIrish Medical TimesInitially, physicians and patients were slow to adopt the use of inhaled corticosteroids, mainly due to steroid phobia caused by the use of oral corticosteroids, which in the 1970s…