Jodie Vasquez (pictured), from Carlisle, has a connective tissue disorder which means she suffers constant pain and needs a wheelchair as her joints dislocate easily. She has not eaten since 2009.
Teenager, 18, is fed through her heart via a drip after being diagnosed with life-threatening tissue disorder
Jodie Vasquez (pictured), from Carlisle, has a connective tissue disorder which means she suffers constant pain and needs a wheelchair as her joints dislocate easily. She has not eaten since 2009.
Upper Nazareth youth named Pa. ambassador in Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh program
Luke Maeding, 11, who will be entering fifth grade at Nazareth Area Intermediate School, in August 2010 received the transplant at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Depression lowers heart failure survival odds – Food Consumer
Depression lowers heart failure survival oddsFood ConsumerSunday Aug 26, 2012 ( — The prognosis of heart failure is not too bad compared to heart attack. But the long term survival odds for heart failure patients who also suffer depre…
SUMO1 protein may treat and/or prevent heart failure –
SUMO1 protein may treat and/or prevent heart failureNews-Medical.netA promising new drug target for the treatment and prevention of heart failure has been discovered by researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, NY, US. The study was pr…
Turner Mathew Hodge – WJBD Online
WJBD OnlineTurner Mathew HodgeWJBD OnlineThe heart transplant surgery is expected to take about 12 hours to complete. The family was told the heart was flown in from the Dallas, Texas area. In an e-mail to family and friends, they say they are so excit…
Parachute device improves outcomes in patients with ischemic heart failure –
Parachute device improves outcomes in patients with ischemic heart failureNews-Medical.netA novel non-invasive device which separates healthy and damaged heart muscle and restores ventricle function improves 3 year outcomes in patients with ischemic he…
Colwood transplant patient Evanne Fisher, 7, is all heart
As seven-year-old Evanne Fisher was wheeled into the operating room for her second heart transplant three weeks ago, she was smiling and high-fiving those around her.
Toledo Nurses Suspended After Donor Kidney Is Thrown Into Trash During Transplant Surgery
Toledo, OH – A Toledo hospital operating room nurse accidentally threw away a donor kidney during a transplant surgery. The University of Toledo Medical Center suspended its kidney transplant program in the wake of the mistake. The Ohio hospital refe…
Toledo Nurses Suspended After Donor Kidney Is Thrown Into Trash During … – The Inquisitr
New York Daily NewsToledo Nurses Suspended After Donor Kidney Is Thrown Into Trash During …The InquisitrToledo, OH – A Toledo hospital operating room nurse accidentally threw away a donor kidney during a transplant surgery. The University of Toledo…