Medgadget.comAbbott XIENCE Xpedition Coronary Drug Eluting Stent Now Available in EuropeMedgadget.comAbbott XIENCE Xpedition Abbott XIENCE Xpedition Coronary Drug Eluting Stent Now Available in Europe Abbott has received European clearance and is immed…
Double lung recipient's bucket list? Meeting Hulk Hogan
A 33-year-old Midland man, whose body is rejecting a recent double lung transplant, is traveling more than 1,300 miles for a bucket list journey that involves a visit with The Hulkster.
Stents for Diabetes? – dailyRx
Stents for Diabetes?dailyRxEach drug eluting stent carried a different drug: sirolimus, paclitaxel, everolimus or zotarolimus. The size of this reduction was different for each drug eluting stent. Sirolimus eluting stents worked much better than zotaro…
Mtn. View man blood donation record – Contra Costa Times
Mtn. View man blood donation recordContra Costa TimesClick photo to enlarge. Stanford Blood Center employee Liz Conlin checks on David "Mitch" Mitchell as he gives his 600th blood donation in Palo Alto on Monday, Aug. 20, 2012. Mitchell has b…
Frenetic Pace of Activity in IVD Over Past Two Years: Kalorama Reports – Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Frenetic Pace of Activity in IVD Over Past Two Years: Kalorama ReportsVirtual-Strategy Magazine… agreement with Dexcom for its SEVEN PLUS continuous glucose monitor system and purchased the RALS IT connectivity system from Medical Automation Systems;…
Vadodara Marathon runners can opt to donate for cause close to heart – Times of India
Vadodara Marathon runners can opt to donate for cause close to heartTimes of IndiaVADODARA: Next year when you run in Vadodara Marathon (VM), you will be able to make a choice when it comes to donating the money that you are paying towards the particip…
Study shows long-term effects of radiation in pediatric cancer patients
( University of Colorado Denver ) Of 15 patients who received TBI before age 3, many developed endocrine and metabolic problems including testicular malfunction (78 percent), restrictive pulmonary disease due to high levels of blood triglycerides (74 p…
Groundbreaking clinical trial looks at fecal transplant as treatment for C. difficile
( Lifespan ) A new NIH research grant awarded to Colleen Kelly, M.D., of the Women's Medicine Collaborative, and co-investigators will test whether an unconventional yet promising treatment known as fecal transplantation is an effective therapy for…
New marker for identifying precursors to insulin-producing cells in pancreas
( Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News ) For the millions of people worldwide with type 1 diabetes who cannot produce sufficient insulin, the potential to transplant insulin-producing cells could offer hope for a long-term cure.
Autism and Cord Blood Stem Cells: FDA Gives Green Light for Groundbreaking Clinical Trial
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Aug. 21, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Sutter Neuroscience Institute, a recognized Center of Excellence, and CBR (Cord Blood Registry), the world's largest stem cell bank, are launching the …