Volunteers queue up to donate organsThe HinduAwareness on organ donation seems to be on the rise going by the numbers of people and organisations who have approached the Society for Organ Retrieval and Transplant (SORT). This year alone SORT has so far…
AHCA approves Cleveland Clinic Florida applications for heart, liver and kidney transplant services
Cleveland Clinic Florida is pleased to announce that the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) in Florida has approved its applications for heart, liver and kidney transplant services.
What are your chances of developing kidney failure? – India.Com Health
What are your chances of developing kidney failure?India.Com HealthA new study has found that the likelihood of middle-aged adults developing kidney failure during their lifetime. The study states that about one in 40 men and one in 60 women of middle …
Bone marrow transplants offers hope to HIV/AIDS patients – Amsterdam News
Bone marrow transplants offers hope to HIV/AIDS patientsAmsterdam NewsSimilar to the success of stem cell transplants in the treatment of people living with the debilitating illness sickle cell anemia, a blood disorder that affects millions of people, …
Cheshire heart transplant recipient is Yankees' special guest
CHESHIRE — A local man who received a heart transplant in May will be attending today’s New York Yankees-Boston Red Sox game as a guest of the Bronx Bombers.
If I can do it after marriage and children, so can you: Mary Kom's from-the … – Indian Sports news
If I can do it after marriage and children, so can you: Mary Kom's from-the …Indian Sports newsThese days, the loudest cheers somehow are reserved for Mary each time she is felicitated, says a report in The Hindu. The boxer from Manipur stole the…
Local woman receives double transplant to cure diabetes
Heather Burton spent her eighth birthday at St. Louis Children's Hospital after she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Irish transplant and dialysis athletes aim for top-three finish in Zagreb
FIRST THE Olympians, then the Paralympians, now the Irish transplant and dialysis team have become the latest batch of athletes to head abroad in search of glory.
Baby with heart transplant making strong progress
There's been a big turnaround for a baby who has been struggling to survive since receiving a heart transplant soon after birth.
Little Noah Markey doing fine after transplant
An update on a story we shared with you earlier this week, 8 year old Noah Markey of Lawton now has a new kidney.