Zee NewsEgg yolks as bad as smoking for heartTimes of IndiaIndiatimes|The Times of India|The Economic Times|. More. More …. Plaque rupture is the usual cause of most heart attacks and many strokes. The study looked at data from 1231 men and women, wi…
Biovest Conducts End of Phase III Review with FDA of BiovaxID? as … – 4-traders
Biovest Conducts End of Phase III Review with FDA of BiovaxID? as …4-tradersThis includes rituximab which when used as a consolidation agent (rituximab maintenance) is generally administered on a bi-monthly dosing schedule over several years resultin…
Vilasrao Deshmukh no more
A team of doctors of several specialities, including noted liver transplant surgeon Dr. Mohamed Rela, have been attending on Mr. Deshmukh.
Union minister Vilasrao Deshmukh dies, funeral in Latur – Hindustan Times
Hindustan TimesUnion minister Vilasrao Deshmukh dies, funeral in LaturHindustan TimesFormer Maharashtra chief minister and Union minister for science and technology, Vilasrao Deshmukh, died of liver failure and multiple organ failure at the Global Heal…
Vilasrao Deshmukh dies of multiple-organ failure – Indian Express
Vilasrao Deshmukh dies of multiple-organ failureIndian ExpressHospital sources said Desmukh died of multiple organ failure around 1400 hrs. Deshmukh, who had shown signs of improvement in his condition, turned critical this afternoon, the sources said….
Kerala organisation to sponsor 100 heart surgeries – IBNLive.com
Kerala organisation to sponsor 100 heart surgeriesIBNLive.comDubai, Aug 14 (PTI) A leading healthcare group in the Middle East and India will sponsor 100 open-heart surgeries for those who cannot afford the expensive treatment in Kerala. DM Foundation,…
Egg yolks almost as bad as smoking for heart – Daily News & Analysis
Egg yolks almost as bad as smoking for heartDaily News & AnalysisEating egg yolks accelerates atherosclerosis, also called coronary artery disease, in a manner similar to smoking cigarettes, say researchers. Dr. David Spence of Western University, Cana…
Donor dies before liver transplant in Vilasrao Des – Zee News
Donor dies before liver transplant in Vilasrao DesZee NewsChennai: Efforts to save union minister Vilasrao Deshmukh's life suffered a major setback after a brain-dead man whose liver and kidney were to be transplanted, died hours before the transpl…
Organ donor dead, search for liver and kidney donor for Deshmukh continues – India.Com Health
Organ donor dead, search for liver and kidney donor for Deshmukh continuesIndia.Com HealthDoctors treating Vilasrao Deshmukh are again searching for a liver donor after the 'brain dead' man who was going to be operated upon died before docs cou…
Michigan organ donation license plate now on sale – San Francisco Chronicle
WZZMMichigan organ donation license plate now on saleSan Francisco Chronicle(AP) — Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson says a license plate that encourages organ donation efforts is now on sale. … The fund is named in honor of Thomas Daley, a …