BACKGROUND: The percentage of Americans that develop liver cancer has been slowly rising for several decades. Liver cancer is more common in men than women, though it is rare in the US in both groups. More than 90% of people diagnosed with liver canc…
Pat's Place: What a Wonderful Word – Remission! – The Myeloma Beacon
Pat's Place: What a Wonderful Word – Remission!The Myeloma BeaconAfter undergoing 36 consecutive weeks of Revlimid, Velcade, and dexamethasone therapy since my stem cell transplant, I was hoping that Monday would be the day I could officially beg…
Mockingbirds of the Concert Hall – New York Times
New York TimesMockingbirds of the Concert HallNew York TimesIn “Oiseaux Exotiques” Messiaen evokes songs from 47 birds, including species from China, Malaysia, India and North and South America. The Baltimore oriole, for example, is portrayed by a …
Ruben Diaz Sr. On The Mend After Knee Surgery – New York Daily News (blog)
Ruben Diaz Sr. On The Mend After Knee SurgeryNew York Daily News (blog)Ruben Diaz Sr. was undergoing knee transplant surgery (and really, how could you miss it with a headline like Casey Seiler's "Six Million Dollar Hombre"?) Now (in Span…
Quick physical exam can reduce wait for a transplant by half a year
A one-day coordinated evaluation can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to be put on a kidney transplant waitlist, according to a new study from Yale School of Medicine. The study appears in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases.
Unique Immune Cell Contributes to Multiple Sclerosis – Kansas City infoZine
Unique Immune Cell Contributes to Multiple SclerosisKansas City infoZineWashington, D.C. – infoZine – Their discovery helps define the effects of one of the newest drugs under investigation for treating MS – daclizumab – and could lead to a new class o…
Unique Cell Type Found in Multiple Sclerosis – Genetic Engineering News
Unique Cell Type Found in Multiple SclerosisGenetic Engineering NewsResearchers at NIH found evidence that a unique type of immune cell, lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells, contributes to multiple sclerosis (MS). Their discovery helps define the effec…
Transplant Support Walk is Aug. 4
Vernon Memorial Healthcare is hosting its annual Transplant Support Walk at the Viroqua High School track on Saturday, Aug. 4.
Donor/Recipient Size Matching Important in Pediatric Renal Tx – Renal and Urology News
Donor/Recipient Size Matching Important in Pediatric Renal TxRenal and Urology NewsOne of the seminal studies was by an Italian group (Pediatr Transplant 2009;13:290-296). They showed that a ratio of 0.8, in the deceased donor population, or less was a…
An open letter to President Pranab Mukherjee – Times of India
An open letter to President Pranab MukherjeeTimes of IndiaI am writing to you as a proud young Indian with great hope in my heart for our beloved motherland. I have had the privilege of reading your opening address to the nation as the new 'Rashtra…