Tulane University Hospital, New Orleans, LA, USA will in May start a prospective trial in Kidney Transplantation investigating the potential of cross match XM-ONE as part of the risk assessment of their patients.
U of M study finds titan cells protect Cryptococcus
( University of Minnesota Academic Health Center ) Giant cells called "titan cells" protect the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans during infection, according to two University of Minnesota researchers. Kirsten Nielsen, Ph.D., an assistant profes…
Tulane to initiate XM-ONE clinical trial in kidney transplantation – News-Medical.net
Tulane to initiate XM-ONE clinical trial in kidney transplantationNews-Medical.netTulane University Hospital, New Orleans, LA, USA will in May start a prospective trial in Kidney Transplantation investigating the potential of cross match XM-ONE® as pa…
Portland Marina boss becomes organ donor after sailor's campaign – Dorset Echo
Portland Marina boss becomes organ donor after sailor's campaignDorset EchoA BOSS at Portland Marina has been inspired to become an organ donor after a visit from a sailor who had recovered from leukaemia. Manager Russ Levett, of the Dean & Red…
Survivor of cancer, heart transplant earns diploma
IVINS – There were many times in Megan Birk's high school career when nobody would have blamed her for giving up.
Illegal kidney trade booms as new organ is 'sold every hour'
World Health Organisation estimates 10,000 black market operations involving human organs take place each year The illegal trade in kidneys has risen to such a level that an estimated 10,000 black market operations involving purchased human organs now …
ALLENEX AB : Tulane starts a prospective trial of XM-ONE® in Kidney … – 4-traders
ALLENEX AB : Tulane starts a prospective trial of XM-ONE® in Kidney …4-tradersTulane starts a prospective trial of XM-ONE® in Kidney Transplantation. Tulane University Hospital, New Orleans, LA, USA will in M ay start a prospective trial in Kidney …
Prescribe and dispense oral tacrolimus by brand – Dispensing Doctors' Association
Prescribe and dispense oral tacrolimus by brandDispensing Doctors’ AssociationBy Ailsa Colquhoun This updated recommendation does not preclude patients changing to a different tacrolimus brand. However, any changes between brands should always be accom…
EMA confirms Roche's MabThera made at Vacaville site poses no health risk – The Pharma Letter
In-PharmaTechnologist.comEMA confirms Roche's MabThera made at Vacaville site poses no health riskThe Pharma LetterThe review of MabThera was initiated after the unexpected detection of Leptospira licerasiae at an early stage (pre-harvest) of the m…