Sorbent Therapeutics' CLP1001 Improves Heart Failure Symptoms In Phase 2 … (press release)In the study of 111 heart failure patients with chronic kidney disease, CLP1001 demonstrated improvement in heart failure symptoms as compared…
Home is where the new heart is – Los Altos Town Crier
Home is where the new heart isLos Altos Town CrierPhoto Photo Courtesy Of The Kaltenbachs Sharlie Kaltenbach enjoys a new sense of freedom after double-lung and heart transplant surgery by taking day trips to popular Bay Area sites. Call it the end of …
Skin cells transformed into beating heart tissue, fueling heart failure … – CBS News
CBS NewsSkin cells transformed into beating heart tissue, fueling heart failure …CBS News(CBS News) A new study of patients with heart failure found a novel treatment approach might reverse the damage that has long been considered irreversible: Fixin…
New Delhi, May 24 — A year after having undergone a heart transplant at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, first ever in a private hospital in the Capital, Sunita Gupta (name changed) feels fit as a fiddle. "My life has gone back to normal and I cannot than…
Cell Transplant Tested as Treatment for Nerve Pain in Mice
WEDNESDAY, May 23 (HealthDay News) — A new study in mice suggests that scientists may someday be able to treat nerve pain by transplanting embryonic nerve cells to restore a broken nervous system.
Pfizer Rare Disease Drug Slammed By FDA Reviewer
In the fall fo 2010, Pfizer trumpeted the purchase of a small, privately held drugmaker called FoldRx Pharmaceuticals, which developed its own discovery platform technology and was completing testing for it lead compound. The medication, which is calle…
Study shows how patients use Facebook to solicit kidney donations
( Loyola University Health System ) Loyola University Medical Center researchers are reporting one of the first studies to examine how patients and families are soliciting living kidney donors on Facebook.
UF Physician, Colleagues Identify Successful Blood Cancer Therapy –
HealthNewsDigest.comUF Physician, Colleagues Identify Successful Blood Cancer TherapyHealthNewsDigest.comLow doses of a drug called lenalidomide can help hold off the return of multiple myeloma after bone marrow transplantation. Patients who took the d…
100,000 organ transplants have been done in Iran over the years
Dr. Hassan Emami Razavi, the deputy health minister, said currently there are 33 centers for kidney transplant, eight centers for heart, two centers for lung, six centers for liver, one center for pancreas, and five centers for bone marrow.
Study Examines How Patients Use Facebook to Solicit Kidney Donors
Loyola University Medical Center researchers are reporting one of the first studies to examine how patients and families are soliciting living kidney donors on Facebook.