University of Rochester NewsroomAlzheimer's Gene Causes Brain's Blood Vessels to Leak, DieUniversity of Rochester NewsroomThe left photo shows destructive proteins (green) lining blood vessels in living brain tissue of mice with the human ApoE4…
Team use dual strategy to fight Type 1 diabetes – Sun-Sentinel
Team use dual strategy to fight Type 1 diabetesSun-SentinelThe two-step regimen involves bone marrow transplantation and substances that promote the growth of cells that produce insulin, the sugar-regulating hormone that is missing in people who have T…
Rigel Advances Asthma Programs: Two Inhaled Drug Candidates Take Aim at Acute … – Sacramento Bee
Rigel Advances Asthma Programs: Two Inhaled Drug Candidates Take Aim at Acute …Sacramento Bee… R343, an inhaled SYK inhibitor that has completed Phase 1 clinical trials for asthma; R333, a topical JAK/SYK inhibitor for discoid lupus; and R548, an o…
Veloxis Pharmaceuticals announces financial results for the first quarter 2012 … – Sacramento Bee
Veloxis Pharmaceuticals announces financial results for the first quarter 2012 …Sacramento BeeThe primary endpoint of the study, a composite endpoint (biopsy proven acute rejection, graft failure, loss to follow up or death), will be evaluated after …
Is Dose-Dense Therapy Effective Against DLBCL in the Era of Rituximab? – Cancer Network
Is Dose-Dense Therapy Effective Against DLBCL in the Era of Rituximab?Cancer NetworkThe authors asked whether there is still debate surrounding dose intensity since the introduction of the monoclonal antibody rituximab (Rituxan [R]), which has improved…
Man receives organ donation from unexpected work connection – WSFA
Man receives organ donation from unexpected work connectionWSFALoretta Fergerson and her sister, Tracey Fergerson, both of Montgomery, Ala., were each sentenced to 115 months prison for their involvement in a conspiracy to file claims for false income …
Oregon Health & Science University study adds to evidence on blood-cancer drug
New Oregon Health & Science University study adds to evidence that blood cancer drug called Lenalidomide can be effective, even as feds warn of additional risk to taking it.
Images show risk of sudden heart failure – Futurity: Research News
Images show risk of sudden heart failureFuturity: Research NewsPET images show denervation in a heart failure patient. Researchers have discovered that the amount of denervated heart tissue may be a strong predictor of the development of sudden cardiac…
Viropro, Inc. to Unlock Value from its Biosimilars Portfolio – Genetic Engineering News (press release)
Viropro, Inc. to Unlock Value from its Biosimilars PortfolioGenetic Engineering News (press release)It is from this portfolio that Viropro signed a Letter of Agreement with Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for Rituximab, and is in active discussions with…
Viropro, Inc. to Unlock Value from its Biosimilars Portfolio – MarketWatch (press release)
Viropro, Inc. to Unlock Value from its Biosimilars PortfolioMarketWatch (press release)The starting line-up and portfolio consists of sophisticated biosimilar molecules such as Ranibizumab (biosimilar of Lucentis(R)), Trastuzumab (-Herceptin(R)), Ritux…