MedIndiaGalectin Therapeutics Presents Preclinical Data on the Treatment of Fatty …MarketWatch (press release)Currently, liver transplantation is the only option for patients afflicted with liver fibrosis or cirrhosis, and many times the condition re…
Health literacy linked with proper daily care and management for heart failure … –
Health literacy linked with proper daily care and management for heart failure …News-Medical.netA patient's education level is not a fail-safe predictor of how well they will manage symptoms related to complicated chronic diseases, such as heart …
Obesity And Diabetes Behind Rise in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in US – MedIndia
MedIndiaObesity And Diabetes Behind Rise in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in USMedIndiaHowever, according to new research published in Liver Transplantation, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, post-trans…
An organ donor's gift of life celebrated by family, friends – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
An organ donor's gift of life celebrated by family, friendsRochester Democrat and ChronicleMax Schulte/staff photographer To learn more about becoming an organ donor, go to the Finger Lakes Donor Recovery website at Vincent G…
Health Highlights: New heart failure resource center opens – Calaveras Enterprise
Health Highlights: New heart failure resource center opensCalaveras EnterpriseThe Heart Failure Resource Center is a new service of Sonora Regional Medical Center, now providing specialized nursing care for patients with heart failure (HF). The center …
Rotary Club Of Accra Ridge In Blood Donation Drive Campaign – GhanaWeb
Rotary Club Of Accra Ridge In Blood Donation Drive CampaignGhanaWebThe Rotary Club of Accra Ridge in partnership with the Rotary Club of Accra, and the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) has held the 11th National Blood Donor's Day, and the …
Organ donor mom to be honoured in Rose Bowl Parade – Lethbridge Herald
KOB.comOrgan donor mom to be honoured in Rose Bowl ParadeLethbridge HeraldTina Shaver, donor co-ordinator with the Southern Alberta Organ Donation Program with Alberta Health Services, got Heidinger involved in a memorial service for families who had l…
Ex-Minister Sam Galbraith backs organ donor campaign – The Scottish Sun
Ex-Minister Sam Galbraith backs organ donor campaignThe Scottish SunA spokeswoman for Organ Donation Scotland said: "Cole's campaign has been an enormous success. We have never experienced a response like this before." Today, YVONNE BOLOU…
Husband gives wife the ultimate gift –
Husband gives wife the ultimate giftInsideHalton.comHitesh Patel, 33, and his wife Jennifer Malabar, 37, are both recovering at home with their three-year-old daughter, Arya, following the kidney transplant surgery, which took place at Toronto General …
Organ donation, transplantation is in the spotlight today at Rochester General … – Gates-Chili Post
Organ donation, transplantation is in the spotlight today at Rochester General …Gates-Chili PostScott Conrad was an organ donor. His liver, kidneys and heart live on in grateful patients who received his life-giving gift. Helene Ehmann and her family…