Green Tea Compound May Prevent Post-Transplant Hep C HIV/AIDS Treatment NewsAn antioxidant component of green tea blocks the ability of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) to enter liver cells (hepatocytes), making it potentially useful …
Pacemakers From Deceased Donors Are Proven Effective And Safe When Reused – Heal Blog (blog)
Heal Blog (blog)Pacemakers From Deceased Donors Are Proven Effective And Safe When ReusedHeal Blog (blog)Families of deceased donors from America donated pacemakers to 53 poor patients, who were suffering from severe heart rhythm disorders like complet…
Abbott Initiates Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Absorb™ Bioresorbable … – PR Newswire (press release)
Abbott Initiates Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Absorb™ Bioresorbable …PR Newswire (press release)Abbott's BVS delivers everolimus, an anti-proliferative drug. Everolimus is developed by Novartis Pharma AG and is licensed to Abbott by Novartis …
FDA panel recommends CRT-D for mildy symptomatic HF patients – Cardiovascular Business
FDA panel recommends CRT-D for mildy symptomatic HF patientsCardiovascular Business7 in a three-to-two vote that the overall clinical benefits of Medtronic's cardiac resynchronization therapy with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (CRT-D) devi…
FDA Panel Gives Nod to Affymax Drug for Anemia – Fox News
Bradenton HeraldFDA Panel Gives Nod to Affymax Drug for AnemiaFox NewsA new Affymax Inc drug won expert backing to treat anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease who are on dialysis. A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted 15-1 on Wed…
One in Three First-Time Participants in Laboratory-Based Wellness Program … – PR Newswire (press release)
One in Three First-Time Participants in Laboratory-Based Wellness Program …PR Newswire (press release)In addition, 89 percent of those found to be at high risk for chronic kidney disease, 59 percent of those found to be at high risk for high choleste…
Non-Cancer Death Less Likely with Partial Nephrectomy – Renal and Urology News
Non-Cancer Death Less Likely with Partial NephrectomyRenal and Urology NewsPatients who undergo partial nephrectomy (PN) for localized renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are more likely to die from causes other than their cancer compared with patients treated …
Lottie's Lifeline: Birmingham bishop's success in boosting numbers on organ … – Birmingham Mail
Lottie's Lifeline: Birmingham bishop's success in boosting numbers on organ …Birmingham MailMORE than 300 people have signed up to become lifesavers by signing the organ donor register, following a plea by one of the city's leading bishop…
Pannus Exemptions –
Pannus Racing NSW advises participants that following extensive urine analyses performed after treatment of greyhounds affected by Pannus with Prednefrin Forte eye drops (prednisolone acetate ophthalmic suspension USP …
Inside the Strange Science of Cord Blood Banking – Wired News (blog)
Inside the Strange Science of Cord Blood BankingWired News (blog)“If you have the money, and you want to bank your child's own cord blood, you're essentially investing in one of two things,” said Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg, director of the Duke P…