Ironman loses the battleMississaugaMore recently, his faith also helped him deal with the news that the subsequent stem cell transplant, performed in August, was rejected by his body. On Saturday, with his family by his side, Van Zeumeren lost his batt…
Local Moose gives a hand by hosting spaghetti dinner – Dearborn Press and Guide
Local Moose gives a hand by hosting spaghetti dinnerDearborn Press and GuideGeorge is an upper-extremity amputee and may have the chance to make a short list of people who have had hand transplant surgery. Less than 40 folks have had it, George said. S…
Former Classmates Connected By A Kidney –
Former Classmates Connected By A KidneyEastBayRI.comLiz Pease Kennedy (left) and Ying Su, former Barrington High School classmates, before the kidney transplant surgery earlier this year. By Cindy VanSchalkwyk BARRINGTON — Ying Su and Liz Pease Kenne…
Latest News: UPMC organ transplant program placed on probation – Connellsville Daily Courier
Latest News: UPMC organ transplant program placed on probationConnellsville Daily CourierUPMC was placed on probation today for up to a year by a national agency that regulates organ transplant surgeries after a kidney transplant surgery this year in w…
A transplant healed by love – Oregon City News
Oregon City NewsA transplant healed by loveOregon City NewsAfter their recent kidney transplant surgery (inset), Fred sneaked a visit to his recipient. Lennie Jo Barnes was reminded of the oldest story in Western culture as she sat to receive anesthesi…
Two Garrison marks week with blood donation – Ghana News Agency
Two Garrison marks week with blood donationGhana News AgencyTakoradi, Nov. 15, GNA – The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has begun its Annual Community Service Week with a number of community activities to promote better military-civilian relations. According…
Low-income elderly at higher risk of heart failure – BioScholar News
Newsday (subscription)Low-income elderly at higher risk of heart failureBioScholar NewsSeniors with a low income are at higher risk of having heart failure irrespective of their education level, a new study has found. The study is the first to link low…
Mike London, wife plan to start a charitable foundation centered on bone … – Washington Post (blog)
Mike London, wife plan to start a charitable foundation centered on bone …Washington Post (blog)The inspiration for the London's idea was twofold: In 2003, their oldest daughter, Ticynn, underwent a successful bone marrow transplant surgery (Mike…
Vitamin D Deficiency Raises Heart-Failure Risk – Bloomberg
BloombergVitamin D Deficiency Raises Heart-Failure RiskBloombergWomen who don't get enough vitamin D, found in sunshine, fish and fortified foods including milk and orange juice, have a higher chance of heart failure and stroke than those with suff…
Organ Donation Website Registry Names "Everybody Can Save a Life!" Video … – GlobeNewsWire (press release)
Organ Donation Website Registry Names "Everybody Can Save a Life!" Video …GlobeNewsWire (press release) asked participants to create a 30-second video that promotes, celebrates or teaches about being a living organ donor o…