Study stirs debate over transplants for alcoholicsAlexandria Town TalkActor Larry Hagman bares his chest to show off his scar from his liver transplant surgery at the opening ceremonies of the 2004 US Transplant Games in Minneapolis, Minn. More alcohol…
CEO on IND status for VGX-100 Open Briefing with CEO & MD Robert Klupacs … – 4-traders (press release)
CEO on IND status for VGX-100 Open Briefing with CEO & MD Robert Klupacs …4-traders (press release)However, we recognise that dry eye disease is one of the most difficult corneal diseases to develop a treatment for, so we're also working on t…
Celebs speak up for organ donation – The Asian Age
Celebs speak up for organ donationThe Asian AgeIn comparison to blood donation and eye donation, organ donation is still lagging behind. According to Vijay Palkar, co-chairman Rotary Club of Borivli Eye Bank, the reason is cumbersome rules and no aware…
Knowing when to pull the plug – National Post
Knowing when to pull the plugNational PostThis is distinct from brain death, which is legally the same as death and usually sees life support withdrawn immediately. PVS is also distinct from a coma, in which the patient is unconscious and cannot be wok…
Bedlam blood donation battle comes to campus – Oklahoma Daily
Oklahoma DailyBedlam blood donation battle comes to campusOklahoma DailyThe Sooners have moved their rivalry with the Oklahoma State Cowboys from the white lines and green grass of the football field to the brick walls and concrete floors of the OU ROT…
Man with double-hand transplant getting back to life – KFOR
Man with double-hand transplant getting back to lifeKFOREdwards was the third patient in the world to undergo a double-hand transplant surgery but the first who doctors have considered a total success. The 18-hour surgery initially took place in Louisv…
Heart Failure Risk May Be Reduced by Stem Cells, Study Shows – BusinessWeek
Heart Failure Risk May Be Reduced by Stem Cells, Study ShowsBusinessWeek15 (Bloomberg) — Patients with heart failure can reduce the risk of further occurrences by as much as 80 percent using an experimental stem-cell treatment, according to a study wh…
New milestones achieved in organ transplantation –
New milestones achieved in organ transplantationIBNLive.comAs many as 12 less than one-year-old children underwent successful liver transplantation. With the arrival of Prof Mohamed Rela, the pioneer in liver transplantation from Kings Hospital Institu…
Longtime guidance counselor grateful for donation from former coworker … – Greenfield Daily Reporter
Longtime guidance counselor grateful for donation from former coworker …Greenfield Daily Reporter'I just have to get my strength back': Kathy Dowling, with her dog Max, is recovering from kidney transplant surgery. The kidney was donated from…
Foods With Vitamin C May Help Heart Failure Patients – WebMD
NutraIngredients.comFoods With Vitamin C May Help Heart Failure PatientsWebMDPeople with heart failure who don't eat enough vitamin C-rich foods are almost twice as likely to be hospitalized or die as those with heart failure who get enough vitamin…