TCT: Combo Stent Comparable to TaxusMedPage TodayNine months after stent implant, late lumen loss was comparable between a paclitaxel-eluting stent (Taxus) and a sirolimus-eluting device that also added a layer of anti-CD34 antibodies to speed healing …
Babies put on transplant list before birth get hearts faster – Cardiology Today
Babies put on transplant list before birth get hearts fasterCardiology TodayA prospective, multicenter, events-driven data registry was used to determine outcomes of babies listed for heart transplantation before birth. The researchers' search iden…
Big jump in number signing organ donor cards – Jerusalem Post
Big jump in number signing organ donor cardsJerusalem PostSome 11000 potential organ donors registered with Adi, the National Transplant Coordination Center during the past few weeks following a public information campaign to sign up before the end of …
Pfizer To Present Clinical Data From Its Hematology Portfolio At The 53rd … – Pharmaceutical Processing
Pfizer To Present Clinical Data From Its Hematology Portfolio At The 53rd …Pharmaceutical Processing13,14 Inotuzumab is currently being evaluated in a Phase 3 study in combination with rituximab in patients with relapsed or refractory CD22-positive a…
UA Sarver Heart Center Presents Lecture on Controlling High Blood Pressure and … – Arizona Daily Wildcat
UA Sarver Heart Center Presents Lecture on Controlling High Blood Pressure and …Arizona Daily WildcatUA Sarver Heart Center Presents Lecture on Controlling High Blood Pressure and Preventing Heart Failure. Green Valley Lecture Series with cardiovascu…
Killing For Organs – American Thinker
Killing For OrgansAmerican ThinkerThe other is brain death, where all brain function is lost. What is problematic, though, is the time between cardiac death and brain death because even if the heart has stopped brain activity occurs at some level. Wait…
Fisherman suffered fatal heart failure after theft – Bedfordshire News
Bedfordshire NewsFisherman suffered fatal heart failure after theftBedfordshire NewsA fisherman who was the victim of an attempted theft from three teenagers died as a result of heart problems 'precipitated' by the crime. Josip Jovanovic, 57, h…
Essentia sees success with pioneering heart program – Duluth News Tribune
Essentia sees success with pioneering heart programDuluth News TribuneIt's one tool in Essentia Health's heart failure program, which has cut the readmission rate for patients with congestive heart failure to 7 percent — compared with the nat…
Story photo gallery Photos: Bee Cause is all abuzz in support of organ donation – Deseret News
Story photo gallery Photos: Bee Cause is all abuzz in support of organ donationDeseret NewsThis year the cause went to tissue and organ donation through Intermountain Donor Services. Mark Bushman's 8-year old grandson, Zachary Mark Bushman, was kil…
Weight-loss surgery aids transplant candidates – Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles TimesWeight-loss surgery aids transplant candidatesLos Angeles TimesNow surgeons are finding another use for it: preparing patients for transplant surgery. Obesity places patients at high risk for complications during transplant surgery. &q…