Channel 4 News'Opt-out' organ donation laws could be imposed WalesHealthcare Global“Repeated surveys show the majority of people in the UK and Wales believe in organ donation, but only one in three people in Wales have joined the organ donor …
Bayer AG : Bayer cooperates with Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Translational … – 4-traders (press release)
Bayer AG : Bayer cooperates with Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Translational …4-traders (press release)Berlin, November 9, 2011 – Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals (Bayer) will be working together with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Translational…
Sunitinib, hypertension, and heart failure: A model for kinase inhibitor … – UroToday
Sunitinib, hypertension, and heart failure: A model for kinase inhibitor …UroTodayInitially developed for its inhibition of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling pathway, sunitinib has been associated with hypertension and heart fai…
Urinary tract infections in the early posttransplant period after kidney … – UroToday
Urinary tract infections in the early posttransplant period after kidney …UroTodayUrinary tract infection (UTI) is among the most common infections in solid organ transplantation, especially in kidney transplantation. This study included 295 adult pa…
CKD — adverse cardiovascular outcomes must be addressed – Irish Medical Times
Irish Medical TimesCKD — adverse cardiovascular outcomes must be addressedIrish Medical TimesConsultant nephrologist Prof George Mellotte informed a recent Dublin meeting that appropriate primary-care management of patients with chronic kidney diseas…
Brotherly love –
Brotherly loveMyCentralJersey.comRush's wife found out she was pregnant in January, just about two months after her husband's transplant surgery. While the transplant recovery process was painful, Rush jokes he must have been feeling strong, fr…
Local stem cell transplant center sees decade of success – KFDA
Local stem cell transplant center sees decade of successKFDACannon was told, "If you want to have a chance at long survival, we can do this procedure called an umbilical cord stem cell transplant. It's risky, but if there was another way, I wo…
XDx Announces Highmark's Coverage of AlloMap® for Monitoring Heart Transplant … – EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)XDx Announces Highmark's Coverage of AlloMap® for Monitoring Heart Transplant …EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)Highmark considers AlloMap “medically necessary” for monitoring heart transplant…
Willing to donate organs? Govt may ask driving licence seekers – Times of India
Willing to donate organs? Govt may ask driving licence seekersTimes of IndiaCHENNAI: The state government is considering a proposal to seek the willingness of a driving licence applicant to donate his organs in the event of brain death. Transplant surg…
Breakthrough in stem cell transplant stuck in red tape – Daily Bhaskar
Breakthrough in stem cell transplant stuck in red tapeDaily BhaskarJaipur: When doctors at SMS Medical College performed the first kidney transplant using stem cell technology, hopes were high then in patients willing to opt for kidney transplantation….