gulfnews.comLifestyle diseases can add to expats' burdengulfnews.comIf the identification papers like driving licence have a provision to mark the willingness of the holder to donate his or her organs, the hospitals can do it immediately in the eve…
Predicting Heart Failure with a Blood Test – Ivanhoe Broadcast News
Ivanhoe Broadcast NewsPredicting Heart Failure with a Blood TestIvanhoe Broadcast NewsWASHINGTON DC (Ivanhoe Newswire) –More than five million Americans have heart failure – it's when the heart can't pump enough blood to the body. Many pati…
A Heart for Jordan Merecka: Texas Children's Hospital's First Total Artificial … – PR Newswire (press release)
A Heart for Jordan Merecka: Texas Children's Hospital's First Total Artificial …PR Newswire (press release)After a 12-hour heart transplant surgery at Texas Children's Hospital, Merecka and his family are celebrating his amazing gift of a…
Philly's First Hand Transplant Surgery Performed at Penn (Video) – Philadelphia Magazine (blog)
Philadelphia Magazine (blog)Philly's First Hand Transplant Surgery Performed at Penn (Video)Philadelphia Magazine (blog)A team of 30 doctors and nurses performed the region's first hand transplant surgery in September, the University of Pennsyl…
Legs – vital clues in heart failure – BioScholar News
Zee NewsLegs – vital clues in heart failureBioScholar NewsHeart failure causes breathlessness and fatigue that severely limits normal daily activities such as walking. A University of Leeds research team has, for the first time, shown that leg muscle d…
New hands, new hope for woman who lost her limbs – Richmond Times Dispatch
New hands, new hope for woman who lost her limbsRichmond Times DispatchIt's just another of the side effects — such as the risk of transplant rejection for which she must take medication for the rest of her life — that go with the territory of …
Duke Study Examines the Role of Vitamin D in Treating Asthma –
Duke Study Examines the Role of Vitamin D in Treating AsthmaHealthCanal.comInhaled corticosteroids are currently the most effective treatment for targeting persistent asthma in children and adults. However, despite the success of this therapy, many pat…
Episodes of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Diabetic Patients Associated … –
Episodes of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Diabetic Patients Associated …HealthCanal.comHe adds that in other hazards models, any acute kidney injury versus no injury increased the risk of advanced chronic kidney disease by threefold, and each a…
Organ donation should be the default, unless you opt out – Vancouver Sun
Organ donation should be the default, unless you opt outVancouver SunRather than reinstituting the option to "opt in" to the organ donor program every time you renew a driver's licence, why not an "opt out" program? When you'…
Isotechnika Pharma releases shareholder letter – Canada NewsWire (press release)
Isotechnika Pharma releases shareholder letterCanada NewsWire (press release)Voclosporin belongs to a class of drugs called Calcineurin Inhibitors (CNIs), the cornerstone of therapy for the prevention of organ transplant rejection. This drug class incl…