Personal Health: News and Notes | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-10-31Philadelphia InquirerA low dose of corticosteroids worked just as well as a higher one in relieving shoulder pain, according to a study to be published in the December issue of Archive…
Church of Christ marks Jubilee with blood donation – BusinessGhana
Church of Christ marks Jubilee with blood donationBusinessGhanaMembers of the Tema District branch of the Church of Christ (COC), at the weekend organized a blood donation exercise to support the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital blood bank. The exercise form…
Blood donation camp at Pabbi – Business Recorder (blog)
Blood donation camp at PabbiBusiness Recorder (blog)Fatimid Foundation held a blood donation camp in collaboration with Hassan Foundation at Pabbi, district Nowshera. A large number of people donated blood in the camp. The Hassan Foundation, Director S…
Two minutes on.. Crohn's disease –
Two minutes on.. Crohn's your symptoms are very severe, you may need hospital treatment with intravenous corticosteroids. In all cases, once the dosage of corticosteroids has been reduced, your doctor may recommend oral …
A blood donation gave my mother a few more weeks of life – Globe and Mail
Globe and MailA blood donation gave my mother a few more weeks of lifeGlobe and MailThere is someone I would like to thank, but I have no idea who it is. I don't know if it is a man or a woman; young or old. We have never met. But I am eternally gr…
Understanding of Pythons May Help in Treatment of Heart Failure – (blog)
Fox NewsUnderstanding of Pythons May Help in Treatment of Heart (blog)This understanding, scientists reveal, may have important implications in humans, especially when it comes to heart failure. In the current issue of Science, t…
Cancer Drug Shows Promise for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – About – News & Issues
Cancer Drug Shows Promise for Chronic Fatigue SyndromeAbout – News & IssuesNew research suggests that the cancer drug Rituxan (rituximab) may be an effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. The findings also add support to the theory that chron…
Baby girl gets unselfish love from foster family, liver donor – Las Vegas Review – Journal
Baby girl gets unselfish love from foster family, liver donorLas Vegas Review – JournalBuy this photo Organ donor and Facebook friend Brittney Quirk plays with the baby at the Henderson home of foster parents Craig and Sharon King. » Buy this photo Fo…
Four year old has successful bone marrow transplant – SGGP
SGGPFour year old has successful bone marrow transplantSGGPThe National Pediatric Hospital in Hanoi said Saturday it had successfully conducted a bone marrow stem-cell transplant on a 4-year-old boy, suffering from acute epidermolysis bullosa, a connec…
Analysts' Weekly Ratings Changes for Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ALXN) – LocalizedUSA
Analysts' Weekly Ratings Changes for Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ALXN)LocalizedUSA… development and commercialization of therapeutic products aimed at treating patients with severe and life-threatening disease states, including those in the th…