$20M in Ion Torrent PGM Sales Help Boost Life Tech's Q3 Revenues While 5500 LagsGenomeWeb Daily NewsThe 3500 Dx instruments are already CE-market for in vitro diagnostic use in Europe, and the company submitted the 3500 Dx, along with an HLA typing…
Woman Mauled By Chimp Speaks for First Time Since Full Face Transplant Surgery – HyperVocal
Sky NewsWoman Mauled By Chimp Speaks for First Time Since Full Face Transplant SurgeryHyperVocalEventually, Nash, who almost died from the attack, had a successful, and many would argue groundbreaking full-face transplant surgery in Boston. Doctors the…
Radical Nephrectomy Bad For Bone Health: Research – EmpowHer
Radical Nephrectomy Bad For Bone Health: ResearchEmpowHer(2) The common reason why a radical nephrectomy is suggested the presence of carcinoma of kidney cells. This urological malignancy is said to inflict 60920 new cases in the United States during 2…
Memorial service set Friday for WF student Eleni Wilson; family plans organ … – West Fargo Pioneer
Memorial service set Friday for WF student Eleni Wilson; family plans organ …West Fargo PioneerA memorial service has been set for Friday to honor a 17-year-old West Fargo High School senior who suffered a fatal brain aneurysm Tuesday. A memorial ser…
Surgeons Develop Simultaneous Tissue and Stem Cell Transplant Technique – Newswise (press release)
Surgeons Develop Simultaneous Tissue and Stem Cell Transplant TechniqueNewswise (press release)One dog rejected its stem cell transplant 10 weeks after the operation, but continued to tolerate the composite allograft for over one year without immunosup…
Pat's Place: Tips For Infusion Days – The Myeloma Beacon
Pat's Place: Tips For Infusion DaysThe Myeloma BeaconI started my Velcade (bortezomib) / dexamethasone (Decadron) infusions again last week after recovering for four months from a stem cell transplant that I received this summer. The infusion proce…
Bridgton Hospital to Offer 'Pump It Up' heart failure education series … – Conway Daily Sun
Bridgton Hospital to Offer 'Pump It Up' heart failure education series …Conway Daily SunBRIDGTON, Maine — Bridgton Hospital will offer a series of free public educational programs entitled 'Pump It Up', a series focusing on heart fa…
ViroPharma to buy Swedish firm DuoCort – Bizjournals.com
Genetic Engineering NewsViroPharma to buy Swedish firm DuoCortBizjournals.comThe company said, “Patients with adrenal insufficiency are dependent on exogenous glucocorticoid replacement therapy, such as hydrocortisone. While standard formulations of …
Eastern Iowa transplant features rare swap among identical twins – Radio Iowa
Eastern Iowa transplant features rare swap among identical twinsRadio IowaTwin brothers from eastern Iowa are recovering from a rare kidney transplant surgery. Doctors at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics say it's the first “perfect ma…
CardioMEMS, Inc. Presented the Phoenix 2011 Most Promising New Product Award – PR Newswire (press release)
CardioMEMS, Inc. Presented the Phoenix 2011 Most Promising New Product AwardPR Newswire (press release)"We believe the CardioMEMS Heart Failure Monitoring System will prove be to a significant step forward in the management of heart failure patien…