MIRACLE MAN: Springfield man's recovery leads to sainthood today for Rev …Delaware County Daily Times“Why he didn't suffer brain death and went into miraculous recovery, I can't explain it,” said Buonocore. Among those who prayed to G…
Will Abbott's Split Unlock Shareholder Value? – Seeking Alpha
Will Abbott's Split Unlock Shareholder Value?Seeking AlphaDaclizumab, previously approved in Europe to prevent rejection of organ transplants, is in a Phase 3 trial to examine its efficacy as a multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment. Abbott has three co…
Feeling down in Lyon town – Daily Californian
Daily CalifornianFeeling down in Lyon townDaily CalifornianOh yeah, my trips to London (English football match!) and Berlin (Wilco!) should help cheer me up too. Perhaps learning a new language is a bit like an organ transplant, and right now I'm j…
Henry Ford Hospital's pioneering vitiligo treatment draws worldwide interest – Detroit Free Press
Henry Ford Hospital's pioneering vitiligo treatment draws worldwide interestDetroit Free PressAdil Siddiqui of Canton Township underwent skin transplant surgery to address his vitiligo, an autoimmune skin disease that drains the skin of its color. …
Steps for a longer life – Times of Oman
CBC.caSteps for a longer lifeTimes of OmanCardiovascular disease includes stroke, heart failure and congenital heart disease. There are nearly 2.7 million people living with heart disease in the UK and it kills one in five men and one in seven women, e…
'Gift of life' makes joint blood donation campaign a success – Borneo Bulletin
Borneo Bulletin'Gift of life' makes joint blood donation campaign a successBorneo BulletinNBT staff, customers, business associates and members of the public turned up in force to generously donate blood at the joint blood donation campaign org…
Meet the first child in Britain to benefit from a pioneering kidney transplant … – Daily Mail
Daily MailMeet the first child in Britain to benefit from a pioneering kidney transplant …Daily MailDuring the procedure, the patient is given an injection of a drug called Rituximab a month before the transplant to suppress the immune system, stoppi…
Study: DMEK has 15 times lower rejection rate than DSEK – OSN SuperSite
Study: DMEK has 15 times lower rejection rate than DSEKOSN SuperSiteRisk of corneal transplant rejection significantly reduced with DMEK. Ophthalmology, in press. Disclosure: Dr. Price has no relevant financial disclosures. The OSN SuperSite is intende…
Triple-Drug Therapy for IPF Found Unsafe – Medscape
Triple-Drug Therapy for IPF Found UnsafeMedscapeThe combination of prednisone, azathioprine, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was considered so unsafe for patients taking it that their arm of the trial was halted prematurely, the NHLBI announced today. The a…
Nabeel Nanuck kidney transplant: 1st child in Britain that didn't require a … – Daily Mail
Daily MailNabeel Nanuck kidney transplant: 1st child in Britain that didn't require a …Daily MailDuring the procedure, the patient is given an injection of a drug called Rituximab a month before the transplant to suppress the immune system, stopp…