Proper treatment needed for Asthma ControlPakistan ObserverIn his video telephonic conference, broadcast from Liaqut National Hospital (LNH), he said total control of asthma was only possible with sustained treatment with proper medications like Inhail…
Fordyce Maxwell: 'Foraging for mushrooms is not a money-saver, more a prelude … – Scotland on Sunday
Fordyce Maxwell: 'Foraging for mushrooms is not a money-saver, more a prelude …Scotland on SundayI tend to think that foraging for mushrooms is not so much money-saving, more a prelude to liver failure. As for wild garlic, when trampling through …
Did his organs have to go to waste? – his organs have to go to waste? rates for organ donation following brain death have risen to 65 per cent. Yet while the supply of organs is increasing, so is the demand, fuelled by an increase in diabetes, medic…
Let your 'mite' flow to keep Bubble Baby alive – Sunday
Sunday Times.lkLet your 'mite' flow to keep Bubble Baby aliveSunday Times.lkNow 15-month-old Sanjana Praveen Shivanka, who celebrated his first birthday a few months back, unfortunately has had to go back to the Apollo Speciality Hospital in Ch…
India has performed its first robotic liver transplant surgery – Health(Y) Destination
India has performed its first robotic liver transplant surgeryHealth(Y) DestinationIndian doctors has performed the first liver transplant surgery a month ago at Medanta Medicity hospital in Gurgaon by using Da-Vinci robotic surgical system. The transp…
Joy FM's blood donation exercise underway –
Myjoyonline.comJoy FM's blood donation exercise underwayMyjoyonline.comVolunteers are gradually trooping into the premises of Joy FM in their numbers to donate blood at this year's Joy FM's blood donation campaign to help stock the national…
HIV-Positive Organ Donors for HIV-Positive Recipients: An Interview with Dorry … – Renal and Urology News
Renal and Urology NewsHIV-Positive Organ Donors for HIV-Positive Recipients: An Interview with Dorry …Renal and Urology NewsThe Associate Professor of Surgery and Epidemiology and Director of Clinical Research at Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplan…
Endothelial Function is unaffected by changing between carvedilol and … – 7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Endothelial Function is unaffected by changing between carvedilol and …7thSpace Interactive (press release)Carvedilol has been shown to be superior to metoprolol tartrate to improve clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure (HF), yet the mecha…
NEWS: Researchers Propose a Two-step Half-match Procedure to Augment Bone … – MediNEWS.Direct!
NEWS: Researchers Propose a Two-step Half-match Procedure to Augment Bone …MediNEWS.Direct!Bone marrow transplantation has emerged as a potential cure for leukemia in the recent decades; however, identification of a perfectly matched donor is a major…
Health watchdog calls for better care for elderly – Ottawa Citizen
Health watchdog calls for better care for elderlyOttawa CitizenOntario hospitals, family doctors and home-care providers need to improve how they look after elderly patients with chronic illnesses such as heart failure and lung ailments, which remain t…