Proactive Investors USA & CanadaDynavax reports late stage drug trial, Q3 losses widenProactive Investors USA & CanadaThe phase three study, which enrolled 507 patients aged 18 to 75 with chronic kidney disease, had been conducted at 69 sites in the US…
ViroPharma Will Buy DuoCort for $33.6M Up Front if EU-Filed Hydrocortisone … – Genetic Engineering News
Genetic Engineering NewsViroPharma Will Buy DuoCort for $33.6M Up Front if EU-Filed Hydrocortisone …Genetic Engineering NewsThe EC's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) adopted a positive on the modified release hydrocortisone t…
Public Unaware of Safe Blood Donation Efforts – Middle East North Africa Financial Network
Public Unaware of Safe Blood Donation EffortsMiddle East North Africa Financial Network"There are people who don't donate blood because they don't have enough and accurate knowledge on blood donation. Others are worried that if they donate…
Biotech Investing Lessons Learned: Diversify, Be Patient – Seeking Alpha
Proactive Investors USA & CanadaBiotech Investing Lessons Learned: Diversify, Be PatientSeeking AlphaIn Biogen's case, results are for daclizumab for multiple sclerosis and for BG-12 for MS as well. Onyx's results are for regorafenib for metast…
Selecta Announces $47.25 Million Financing to Broaden R&D Capabilities and … – MarketWatch (press release)
Selecta Announces $47.25 Million Financing to Broaden R&D Capabilities and …MarketWatch (press release)Examples for applications include autoimmune diseases, allergies and transplant rejection. Selecta's pipeline currently contains a vaccine …
Rituximab – A Cancer Drug – May Treat Sufferers Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Authority Empire
Authority EmpireRituximab – A Cancer Drug – May Treat Sufferers Of Chronic Fatigue SyndromeAuthority EmpireNorway researchers report that they can treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with the cancer treatment drug Rituximab (Rituxan), which is a biologi…
Double Hand Transplant Patient Heads Home – WCVB-TV
Double Hand Transplant Patient Heads HomeWCVB-TVJust three weeks ago, he had double hand transplant surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Now he's been able to return home. Doctors said each day he's improving. His fingernails are growin…
I'm Just Sayin': Patient's transplant hopes are finally fulfilled – Post-Bulletin
Post-BulletinI'm Just Sayin': Patient's transplant hopes are finally fulfilledPost-BulletinOne day this summer, she was being prepped for transplant surgery when doctors had to inform her and her family that the lungs that had arrived were …
Global Preventive and Therapeutic Vaccines Market Analysed to 2020 in New Report – MyCompanyPR (press release)
Global Preventive and Therapeutic Vaccines Market Analysed to 2020 in New ReportMyCompanyPR (press release)The report also analyses therapeutic vaccines that target HIV, HCV, asthma and allergy, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, arthritis…
Corticosteroids Treat Shoulder Pain in Low and High Doses – Medscape
Corticosteroids Treat Shoulder Pain in Low and High DosesMedscapeOctober 27, 2011 — A low-dose corticosteroid injection is just as effective in relieving pain and restoring mobility in the shoulder as a high dose, at least in the short-term, finds a …